Bike the Coast – Taste the Coast garners registrants well ahead of projections, and predicts a sell-out of the 1,000 rider capacity for 2010.
“I’m very pleased with the support that we’ve gotten from the City of Oceanside, our sponsors and the community for this inaugural event. With this sort of response from cyclists we hope to build a successful annual event to showcase the leadership of Oceanside as a cycling community. We’re very excited about the response so far.” said Jim Curl, the event organizer for Bike the Coast – Taste the Coast.
He also mentioned, “We do have a cap of 1,000 riders for our inaugural year. If you are planning to participate in the 7, 15, 25 or 50 mile bicycle routes, please register soon. We expect to sell out of the slots we have available for online registration. We have approximately 150 90 registrations still available for the 25 or 50 mile routes, and 50 35 still available for the 7 or 15 mile routes.”
“We will issue 150 additional entries for walk-up registration on Nov 5 and Nov 6. These will be available on a first come, first served basis. 100 entries will be available for the 50 or 25 mile routes, and 50 entries for the 7 or 15 mile routes.”