A green screen photo from Bike the Coast - Taste the Coast 2011. Capture your own green screen photo at the bandshell compliments of Tri-City Medical Center.
Thanks to Tri-City Medical Center all 2012 riders receive one free digital photo from SuperSportsPhoto.com. Course photos will be organized by the time when you pass the photographer. If you’d like a free photo please review the photographer locations and note the time when you pass the photographer on 11/3. Additional photos and high resolution versions may be also be purchased at SuperSportsPhoto.com.
GREEN SCREEN AT THE BANDSHELL: Supersportsphoto.com will have a green screen in the bandshell again for 2012. It’s a perfect way to celebrate your ride with your own fun pose or a group shot with your friends. Be sure to get a green screen photo when you check out the Taste the Coast Festival! You’ll have a free digital download compliments of Tri-City Medical Center (use for either on-course photos, or a green screen photo). You can also have your green screen photos immediately printed for $5.
PHOTOS FROM THE COURSE: The photographer locations will be near the finish line for all riders. See the maps below for general positions of the photographers. The on-course photographer locations may change to other positions on the Strand so please watch for the photographers as soon as you turn onto the Strand on your way to the finish line.
7&15 MILE RIDERS - PHOTO LOCATION: Photographer location for 7 & 15 mile riders: The photographer for 7 & 15 mile riders will be positioned on the Strand between Breakwater and the Pier. Be sure to smile for the camera, and download your free digital photo after the event at http://supersportsphoto.com, all compliments of Tri-City Medical Center. General Photo Location
25, 50 & 100 MILE RIDERS - PHOTO LOCATION: Photographer location for 25, 50 & 100 mile riders: The photographer for 7 & 15 mile riders will be positioned on the Strand between Wisconsin and the Pier. Be sure to smile for the camera, and download your free digital photo after the event at http://supersportsphoto.com, all compliments of Tri-City Medical Center. General Photo Location
GREEN SCREEN PHOTO LOCATION: The green screen will be set up on the stage of the bandshell inside the Taste the Coast Festival area. Be sure to celebrate your finish with a green screen photo, and download your free digital photo after the event at http://supersportsphoto.com, all compliments of Tri-City Medical Center. Photo Location.
See the map below and click on the markers to see the photographer locations.
Details: The free digital photo and download instructions will be available the week after the event. Additional photos and higher resolution photos will be available for optional purchase.
View Photo Locations: Bike the Coast 2012 in a larger map