This is our last week of jersey/t-shirt promotions for Bike the Coast - Taste the Coast before we all get ready to ride on November 5, and it just so happens that we’ll be selecting the final winners on Halloween weekend.
So we thought a fitting good contest question for this week is “What is the best Halloween costume you’ve seen on a bike?” If you include a photo link with you, your bike and this year’s costume we have some bonus giveaways this week too! Post a comment below with your answer to get in on this week’s contest.
Win one of 2 sets of a Bike the Coast jersey and Bike the Coast t-shirt.
The best comments between Monday and 5:00 pm Friday 10/28 are eligible. The judging team from Bike the Coast will select the winning comments over the weekend of October 29/30.
More details on the giveaway:
The 10/28 promotions will include 2 pairs of a Bike the Coast jersey and Bike the Coast t-shirt. No purchase necessary. Entries limited to one per person. Previous winners not eligible. One prize per person. Items will be awarded based on best comments on this post between Monday and Friday October 28 at 5 pm, with winners selected by Bike the Coast judges.
The Supergirl costume I wore for the Long Beach Bike Tour this year was super fun to wear because the cape flew as I biked and I felt like I was flying.
Here’s the link to my picture.
Is anyone up for BINGO?
Even Zombies want to ride.
Darn it! I’be been trying to win a jersey. I thought for sure after losing last week’s contest that it was over for me. Until now!! Last year during a college volleyball team reunion we (myself and a few guys that have seen the HANGOVER too many times) were looking for a little adventure. Needless to say, we found it. The attached picture of me on a downhill straight away link is rather embarrassing but I’ve got to share this for this contest. We entered a variation of the SOAP BOX DERBY type race. The rules were that the vehicle had to be TWO wheels only. The costume and menacing look were all showmanship. Dangerous? yes. Awesome? heck yeah! I won the race and the bicycle or whatever you want to call it didn’t fall apart. I hope the judges like this cause I’m sure my wife will be less proud of me if I lose…… ENJOY
Other than the tweed-wearing rides the hipsters find really popular these days, the best costume I’ve ever seen on a bike has to be the Santa that rides along on the SDBC charity toy ride.
It’s awesome for a few reasons-it’s pretty funny to see someone ride in any costume, but add that thick costume with the rolling hills along the ride, it’s also pretty challenging. But the biggest reason it’s awesome is because of the iconic representation of what the ride is all about.
So who won this?